Profit At The Races Week 18

June 29th – July 4th 2015



Sgt David Reviews Profit At The Races

The table includes full results for the WIN aspect of the bet but a simple ongoing P/L for the optional PLACE part.

Another week with little AW racing but a profit to show for it.

Selections this week 9

Winners 3 

SR 33.33%

Ave win BSP 4.09

Profit/loss this week Win + 2.80 pts Place + 0.67 pts

Selections to date 210

Winners 37

SR 17.62%

Ave win BSP 6.88

Profit/loss to date Win + 33.62 pts Place + 18.80 pts

Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy the review.

Ven Time Selection Pos BSP Result Nett Bank LSP Res LSP
Opening banks 500.00 0.00
29-Jun Wol 17.45 Eatsleepracerepeat l 18.61 -10.00 -10.00 798.23 29.82 -1.00 17.13
01-Jul Kem 19.15 Hawksmoor w 4.12 31.20 29.64 827.87 32.79 0.73 17.86
01-Jul Kem 19.15 Refulgence l 17.28 -10.00 -10.00 817.87 31.79 -1.00 16.86
01-Jul Kem 19.45 Mystical Sapphire l 38.30 -10.00 -10.00 807.87 30.79 -1.00 15.86
02-Jul Lin 15.10 Royal Normandy p 9.33 -10.00 -10.00 797.87 29.79 1.08 16.94
02-Jul Lin 16.10 Cosmic Ray w 3.68 26.80 25.46 823.33 32.33 0.67 17.61
02-Jul Lin 16.10 Only Joking p 6.11 -10.00 -10.00 813.33 31.33 0.86 18.47
02-Jul Lin 16.40 Classic Villager w 4.46 34.60 32.87 846.20 34.62 1.33 19.80
02-Jul Lin 16.40 Flight Fight l 36.02 -10.00 -10.00 836.20 33.62 -1.00 18.80

[Click here to see Profit At The Races]


Sgt David Reviews Profit At The Races