Total Football Trading The Paper Chaser – Day 31

12th December 2011

Hi Bloggers, Sgt Colin here.

A small profit today with both matches which were eligible being selected for trading.

Juventus @ Roma Layed Juve at 2.28 – and subsequently backed them at 2.36, making a 2.52 point gain.

Chelsea v Man City. Backed Chelsea @ 2.44, but the odds then lengthened slightly. I waited, and managed to close out at the same odds – breaking even. In the event, had I waited until nearer kick off I could have made a profit – but I followed the recommended approach here.

28 trading days gone for The Paper Chaser

66 selections, 37 winners, 23 losers, 6 break-even (56% hit rate).
Cumulative gain 94.6 points,
Betting bank 1094.6 (from 1000 start point).
ROI  – using the risk investment methodology. 39.4% (see Day 24’s blog for calculation method)

[Click here to see the Total Football Trading sales page…]

Sgt Colin – Total Football Trading The Paper Chaser