Odds On Ron – Days 1 to 9

30th August 2012

Sgt Colin reviews Odds On Ron

Hi, Sgt Colin here, with the first few days’ performance of the Odds On Ron system. I have not been able to operate the system every day – but that should be irrelevant given the nature of the approach.

I’ve started with a bank of 100 points, staking 1 point per selection (using level stakes) and aiming to return c4 points per day (using the staking plan)

Day 1 – 15th August

2 selections, the second a winner, leaving us 3.8 points up on the day to level stakes, 5 points up using the staking plan. A nice start!

Day 2 – 20th August

The first selection wins (in a 3 horse race) – up another 2.9 points to level stakes, 3.8 points up using the staking plan (backing using Betfair)

Day 3 – 21st August

3 selections today, a 2nd, 4th & 5th place. Down 4 points to level stakes, 4.4 points using the staking plan.

Day 4 – 22nd August

3 selections today. The first came 2nd, and using level stakes we gained 0.25 points. I “stopped at a winner”. However, using the staking plan we continued (not having made our profit target) – and ended the day 2.1 points down.

Day 5 – 23rd August

2 selections. A 2nd and 4th place. Down 2.1 points using level stakes (Bank is now 100.8 points) and down 5.9 points using the staking plan (Bank down to 96.4 points)

Day 6 – 27th August

A 2nd place in the first race, but a winner in the 2nd! Up 4.8 points to level stakes on the day – and up 20.7 points using the staking plan!

Day 7 – 28th August

A 3rd and 2 x 2nd places today – but no winners! Lost 2.7 points to level stakes, 2.6 points lost using the staking plan.

Day 8 – 29th August

So near and yet so far – 2 more 2nd places, followed by a 5th. Lost 2.3 points to level stakes, 4.1 points using the staking plan. Still ahead on both plans though.

Day 9 – 30th August

A 4th, another 2nd place – and then a winner at 9.2 odds on Betfair! 9.2 points gained to level stakes, and a massive 39.6 points gained using the staking plan.

So after 9 days we have the following results:

Staking Plan:  Initial bank 100  Total Staked 88.4 points Profit 50.0 points  Closing Bank 150  ROI 57%

Level Stakes: Initial bank 100 Total staked 36 points Profit 9.9 points Closing Bank 109.9  ROI 27%

So a very good start. Lowest bank so far has been 98 using level stakes, 95.6 using the staking plan. We always have to be wary of loss recovery systems though – the maximum stake so far has been 4.3 points each way, so it hasn’t yet got out of hand. Our longest losing runs have been 9 and 8 so far, we’ll see whether this can continue.

See the Odds On Ron sales page here…

Sgt Colin reviews Odds On Ron