Well no sooner than me getting back into my comfy £40 directors chair from Aldi’s. A betting system JV email lands on my doormat.

Its called Push Button Bets and its launching tomorrow at 8am UK time. I just wanted to forewarn you and ask you to leave your wallets out of sight! I am asking that you don’t get rushed into buying such products like these. I have put the affiliates page on our server [here] temporarily. So you can see what they are promising affiliates and also have a read of the email copy you are going to be sent before it actually arrives in your inbox. As you will see the product owners are quite egotistical about how they have set this launch up to CONVERT hits to SALES. So before you know it you’ve spent £85 which includes all the up sells they have planned. By lunch time you will probably be screwing… That’s the most likely outcome in my opinion which is obviously based on my experience. I’ve bought hundreds of products in the past! Ouch Mrs Fitzmaurice!

Now I am not going to come out with careless comments like “This is a scam” “The copy is misleading” etc… I am not going to ever do that again. It caused me so much trouble in my BST tenure last time. What I am going to do though is pre-warn you about these products and try to give you an insight into each one… To do that obviously I need to rely on getting pre-notice of a launch. So I won’t always have that advanced warning.

If you purchased Betting Unleashed, Betting Supremacy, Betfair Conspiracy, Secret Punter System, Sports Betting Conquest in the past… How are those systems going for you right now? In your trash can, on your desktop or just sitting in “my documents”? Did they lead you to betting riches? According to a bit of a history check on BST these products all come from the same crowd. They are using an old click bank account for a start. Whoever they are.

http:// xxxxx.bfconsp.hop.clickbank .net – This is the affiliate link. Affiliates are required to input their own click bank account ID in replace of the 5 x’s. Just notice the “bfconsp” part of the link. This kind of nails down that the people who launched betfair conspiracy most likely are launching this one too. Did Betfair conspiracy live up to its claims? If you bought it I would love to hear your comments below.

Ok so I am not failing the system, I am not condemning it. I am not saying this is a scam. All I am saying is the products which are most likely to stand up and be counted are the ones which approach review sites like BST and ask for it to be reviewed several weeks leading up to the launch. I have spoken to Kevin our administrator and we have had no contact unfortunately. I will not be buying this product or any product tomorrow morning unless it has been reviewed first by a reputable review website. At least 8 weeks is enough to see the potential if it has any.

I will leave the decision in your hands. Please fight the urge to buy untested click bank launch style betting systems. Ok you can get a refund on such products but, the product owners rely on you being lazy and never applying for that refund. Then if they make enough cash they will manufacture the next launch based on whether the last launch was viable. My plea to you to help clean up this industry is to NOT BUY push button Bets tomorrow at 8am. I have nothing bad to say about the product, I just think things we buy in this niche need to be regulated. They should come from an outfit with a good, open reputation and with reasonable proof from an independent source.

Now I know some of you will still buy it. That’s fair enough. I have just been through the payment buttons and they are offering discounts so make sure you don’t pay the full price for all their products.

The main product can be bought for £10 cheaper than advertised, probably when you click away from the site so if your adamant on buying, try that first… Also if you do go through with it and you get offered the spreadsheet for £17.99, say no the first time and you will eventually get offered it for £8.99.

Having said all of that if you do decide to purchase push button bets tomorrow, the very best of luck with it and I look forward to hearing what you think about it.

Thanks for reading,
James Fitzmaurice