The Horse That Should Win – Day 81

10th december 2011

Hi Bloggers,

Here are The Horse That Should Win results on day 81 as the bot exports. Only played selections will be on results.

Initial bank – 1000 points and 10 point on stake

Running Bank after Day 80= 408.59 points – loss on day 80 – 128.01 points

DateTime Market Selection Type Price Size Result Source 408.59
12/10/2011 13:04 Donc Saint Are L 2.22 10 9.5 THTSW-LAY 418.09
12/10/2011 13:39 Donc Dubai Crest L 5.7 10 -47 THTSW-LAY 371.09
12/10/2011 13:54 Chel Rev It Up L 3.5 10 9.5 THTSW-LAY 380.59
12/10/2011 14:44 Donc Kie L 2.84 10 9.5 THTSW-LAY 390.09
12/10/2011 15:04 Chel Overturn L 5.3 10 9.5 THTSW-LAY 399.59
12/10/2011 18:19 Wolv Avonrose B 7.4 10 -10 THTSW-BACK 389.59
12/10/2011 19:49 Wolv Guava B 2.48 10 14.06 THTSW-BACK 403.65
12/10/2011 20:19 Wolv Blue Moon B 9.4 10 -9.5 THTSW-BACK 394.15
12/10/2011 21:19 Wolv Secret Witness B 4.8 10 -10 THTSW-BACK 384.15

Running Bank after Day 81= 387.15 points – loss on day 81 – 24.44 points

Running Bank = 387.15 points – loss 612.85 points

Until my next update,


Sgt. Lucian [Click here to see The Horse That Should Win]