The Sports Guru Review Day 83

28th September 2017







Sgt Smithy Reviews The Sports Guru

On day 83 there were 3 different sports tipped but only one winning bet. The Diamondbacks beat the Marlins 13-11 to overcome a 1.5 run handicap and make a profit of 1.74 points. Sadly the bets weren’t so successful in football and American football and we ended the day with a loss of 2.26 points.



Day 83 summary

Date Total advised stakes Total bets Bets won P/L (TSG plan) P/L (Level stakes)
22/09/17 6 4 1 -2.26 -2.13


Day 83 breakdown

Sport Match Tip Advised stake (points) Advised odds Score Result P/L (TSG plan) P/L (Level stakes)
Football Swindon Vs Forest Green Swindon & BTTS 1 4.2 2-0 Loss -1 -1
Baseball Diamondbacks Vs Marlins Diamondbacks -1.5 2 1.87 13-11 Win 1.74 0.87
American Football Boise State Vs Virginia Boise State -11.5 2 1.91 23-42 Loss -2 -1
Mixed See above lines Double 1 3.57 See above Loss -1 -1
Overall review summary
Bets placed Bets won Strike rate P/L (TSG plan) Bank (TSG plan) P/L (Level stakes) Bank (Level stakes)
487 148 30.39% -29.683 70.317 -38.953 61.047



Sgt Smithy Reviews The Sports Guru