UK Horseracing TV Day 15

Hi Bloggers,

Well another good day for the maximum trading profit

with a figure of  + 15.52 Pts

Our overall flat stake profit is therefore  + 165.58 Pts after 8 days.

Today’s maximum trading profit could have been achived with a ‘percentage

to lay at’ figure of 97% and by trading manually.

On a personal note today, I set my ‘percentage to lay at’ figure to 50%.

Meaning my back bets would be layed at 50% of their back price,

e.g.  back at  5.00                  lay at  3.00

back at   7.40                   lay at   4.20

So the immediate difference I noticed from yesterday when I was laying at just

20%, was that the successful trades covered a lot more of the losses incured by

either not trading out in time or not trading out at all on the other selection.

As an example I backed 1 horse at 10.50 and another at 3.10.

The first horse was layed at 5.70 by the ‘bot’ and I just let the other bet run,

hoping it would come down in price and get matched at 50%. (it didn’t)

My loss was just 0.03 pts and would have been in profit if I had traded out sooner.

(alas I am still learning the trading out business and need to improve on that by

being more decisive rather than waiting for things to happen!)

I still managed to trade out successfully though on 8 races today and incur

very minimal losses on another 8 races also. The other 3 races were plain

losses for me but still could have been traded out with reduced loss once again.

Still, I am a complete novice really at this type of trading and I’m sure the more

experienced traders out there would have been celebrating another profitable day!

Here’s to tomorrow and another profitable day on the figures and hopefully

an improved performance from yours truly also!!

all the best, Tommy             (Click here to see UK Horseracing TV…)