UK Horseracing TV Day 18

Hi Bloggers,

Well all I can say is WOW!  Just an indication of how much real potential this

system has,   (if we didn’t have enough evidence already!)

1 particular selection today had a BSP of 95.61 but actually reached only 2.30

in running !! This gave a maximum trading profit of + 38.54 Pts ! So if we take

our normal 25% average for just that 1 selection we are looking at + 9.63 pts trading

profit alone for that particular runner!

Anyway as to the maximum trading profit for the day, we reached a figure of

+ 29.75 Pts (again, I’m just reporting 25% of the real total as an average figure)

Our overall flat stake profit is therefore  + 248.02 Pts after 11 days!

Sid (the author) also produced an updated piece of software today whereby

the ‘Bot’ places a stop loss on the selection during the race to minimize

losses even further.  (great news fo all us trigger happy traders!)

With this new setting I again put the ‘Bot’ to work today and sat back while getting

to my daily P/L figure of +3.2 pts (I did do a little manual trading myself which

actually became easier with these new settings applied) So I stopped trading for

the day BEFORE that humungous trade mentioned earlier came to pass!!

So my own little running total is + 6.1 pts after 2 days!

see you all tomorrow guys,

all the best, Tommy.                    (Click here to see UK Horseracing TV…)