UK Horseracing TV Day 32

Hi Bloggers,

Well a bit of a tough day I think today (not just for old Kauto).

The maximum trading profit today was  + 16.93 Pts* (*1 race result pending)

Giving us an overall flat stake profit of  + 621.01 Pts after  24 days!

Again I found the trading pretty tough going today at one stage getting

to – 8 pts or so. I then managed to get a nice trade on the 13th race of the day

and made about + 11 pts so my little daily total got to + 3.28 Pts.

Again there were several bets which were not layed in running with prices moving

so fast but this has now become part and parcel of the trading process and should

not really matter on the whole with the end result normally being in the positive.

So my running total is now up to  + 42.92 Pts after 15 days!

I would say the last couple of days have been sort of  ‘hang in there’ and be very

patient with the little loss yesterday and a bit of a struggle again today but a nice

little profit made in the end.

It would be very interesting to hear about any other experiences anyone is having

with the service as a whole also, just drop a line in!

Till tomorrow,

all the best, Tommy.                   (Click here to see UK Horseracing TV…)