Betting Grenade – Day 54

Betting Grenade  Day 54      January 13th Hi Bloggers    3 winners from 14 selections at BFSP 5.70, 4.03 and  1.85 meant a small loss of 2.59  points on the day. Day 54  14 Selections/3Winners at BFSP 5.70,4.30 and 1.85 =  P/L  of  minus 2.59 points Running Bank after...

Betting Grenade – Day 53

Betting Grenade  Day 53      January 12th Hi Bloggers    Only 1 winner from 15 selections at BFSP 4.10 meant a loss of 11.06 points on the day. Day 53  15 Selections/1 Winner at BFSP 4.10=  P/L  of  minus 11.06 points Running Bank after Day 52 = 146.41 points ( plus...

Betting Grenade – Day 52

Betting Grenade  Day 52      January 11th Hi Bloggers    We had 14 selections today with 4 winners at BFSP 6.92, 3.58, 2.62 and 1.42 and a  very small profit of 0.02 points. Day 52 14 Selections/4 Winners at BFSP 6.92, 3.58, 2.62 and 1.42  =  P/L  of  +00.02 points...

Betting Grenade – Day 51

Betting Grenade  Day 51      January 10th Hi Bloggers    Only 12 selections today but with 5 winners at BFSP 27.00, 18.75, 7.36, 3.32 and 1.90  the day ended with a profit of 43.66 points so now the strategy is well back in  profit. Day 51  12 Selections/5 Winners at...

Betting Grenade – Day 50

Betting Grenade  Day 50      January 9th Hi Bloggers    Only 5 selections today but no winners so a loss of 5.00 points on the day, so a backward step but the system still remains in profit. Day 50  5 Selections/No Winners   =  P/L of  minus  5.00 points Running Bank...