Ultimate Horse Power Day 48

17th June 2016


Ultimate Horse Power

Sgt AdrianC – Reviews Ultimate Horse Power



Outcome Profit/Loss Cummulative Loss
1340 market rasen Milrow Won 1.38 -227.465
1520 market rasen Box Office Loss -1 -228.465
1430 ascot Cuff Loss -1 -229.465
1505 ascot Linguistic Loss -1 -230.465
1735 ascot Girling Loss -1 -231.465
1905 ayr Eez Eh Loss -1 -232.465
2010 ayr Fast Pick Loss -1 -233.465
2115 ayr Renfrew Street Loss -1 -234.465
2115 ayr Biff Johnson Loss -1 -235.465
1350 redcar Springforth Loss -1 -236.465
1530 redcar Rousayan Loss -1 -237.465

Loss of the day -8.62 points

[Click here to see Ultimate Horse Power]



Sgt AdrianC Reviews Ultimate Horse Power