Colin Leafe Racing Final Review

Colin Leafe Racing

Sgt Howard reviews Colin Leafe Racing

Hi Bloggers,

Lets re-cap what you get for your money:

The Service

The Colin Leafe Racing service is operated through a low cost phone line via a secure individual pin number.  All bets are supplied on a short message by calling at 10.30am.  Colin states bets are recorded at odds every member can achieve (available with three or four bookmakers).  I can confirm this as I had no problem achieving the prices often bettering them, and that’s with me having no access to a couple of bookmakers who have closed my accounts.


The cost is currently £45.00 per month or £109 per three months.

Operating requirements

To operate all you require is accounts with all the main bookmakers and to be available to phone at 10.30am.

Staking Plan and Betting Balance

Colin recommends a 50 points betting bank and all bets are clearly stated as 1 or 2 points.   I operated two betting banks both of 50 points one following Colin’s staking of 1 or 2 points (Betting Bank 1) and one level stakes of 1 point for all bets (Betting Bank 2).  So onto the results.


I followed the Service for 170 days this was to fulfill 88 betting days as we had  82 no bet days.

Number of bets : 126

Number of winners: 29

Strike Rate 36.54%

Average price 3.83-1


Bank 1 Start Balance: 50 PTS

Final Balance:            44.08 PTS


Bank 2 Start Balance: 50 PTS

Final Balance:        56.53 PTS

So a small loss on Bank 1 to Colin’s advised staking and a small profit on level stakes staking.  Once you take into account though the cost of the service at even the cheaper option of a three month subscription you’d have to be staking £50 minimum at level stakes to have made a profit. and even then the profit would have been very small.  This is of course is not taking into account that you would be more likely to have followed the advised staking in any case and made a loss.


Over a 170 betting days I’d have wanted to have seen a much better profit.  The Service did in fact start very well and incidentally after the review finished fired off a few days of profit.   To give a backing service as such as this a fair chance I’d say you’d need to give it at least 3 months ideally more as there will undoubtedly be losing runs.

On the plus side the service is easy to use and certainly not time consuming nor hard to get your bets placed (unless using large stakes).  But sadly the service has to go down as failed as ultimately it comes down to profit and loss, and on this the Service has not performed well enough over the review period.




Sgt Howard reviewing Colin Leafe Racing

[Click here to see Colin Leafe Racing]