Football Trading Secrets (Method 9) Final Review

Monday 23rd April 2018




Sgt Eddie Reviews Football Trading Secrets (Method 9)

My review of Football Trading Secrets Method 9 has now come to an end and below I have
given my thoughts regarding the service.


It’s pretty straightforward, on joining you are sent a link to a video which explains how to
arrive at the selections, and of course which websites that you need to use in order to finalise
the selections.


Our review period wasn’t profitable and we were down 0.82pts on a 20pt bank.

Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆

Ease Of Use

Straightforward, go onto the stats sites that are advised and apply a few rules to come up with
your shortlist of games. It’s at this point when you have to make decisions that won’t always
be the same as everyone else using the method, and therefore people will have different

Rating: ★★★★☆


Expect plenty of winners we had 90% on our trial, but you can be placing bets on a busy day
that can use up a lot of your bank, and if the worst happened then a large chunk of that bank
could vanish.

Rating: ★☆☆☆☆

Return On Investment

As we were down at the end of the trial then there was no return on investment.

Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆


Support was very good when needed.

Rating: ★★★★★

Time needed to follow the service

Some days very little it just depends on how much football is taking place, for instance on a
busy Saturday it could take up to 30 to 40 mins sorting out which games are bets and then
putting those bets on. But as with everything the more you do it the quicker it becomes.

Rating: ★★★★★


Once you have watched the video it pretty easy to get going and find the bets for the day.
The problem with this system is pretty obvious and that’s the prices that you are betting at.
You are advised not to bet at lower than 1.06 and most of the bets in the trial were around the
1.10 mark some higher and some lower.
We managed a 90% strike rate and that wasn’t enough to make a profit, and in my opinion if
you are operating at 90% and don’t make a profit then it’s not worth persevering with, and
thats exactly what we have decided to do and end the trial.
The system does look as if it’s got potential but at the moment I don’t think it’s the finished
article and could do with a bit more work on it to see if that 90% strike rate can make profits.
Also I would like the rules to be written whereby everyone ends up with the same bets taking
out any subjective choices that have to be made by the user.
I have to say that I was hoping for more from this system and unfortunately it just didn’t
produce enough for me.

Our overall Rating is FAILED

Failed Reviews



 If you have any questions, leave a comment below. I hope you enjoy the review.

Sgt Eddie Reviews Football Trading Secrets Method 9