Getfair Racing System – Review Summary

February 13th 2011

Sgt Marc gives his final review for Getfair Racing System

smallfailed Getfair Racing System Final ReviewGetfair Racing System

I guess it is time to put the Getfair Racing System  out of its misery……

Hi Constables,

It is difficult to say much about this, since the results for the Getfair Racing System  speak for themselves.

The Getfair Racing System just never really got started. In theory, one could point to long periods of bad weather, but 56 days is more than enough time for the Getfair Racing System to try and prove itself.

The only positive observation that I can  really speak of is the way that the author, very concientiously, on a daily basis supplied the selecions via email in a very efficient way.

Unfortunately, on this occasion the Getfair Racing System did not perform in the style that we had hoped for.

Cumulative Total For The Trial: -9.34 Points.

[Click Here To See Getfair Racing System]


Sgt Marc-Reviews Getfair Racing System