ATM – Day 20  October 9th

Hi Bloggers

Unable to start until 15:20 and finished at 17:10 when i stopped as i had achieved a 2 points profit, but it was really crazy because races were overunning i am coming out of one race before the finish and into one that had started as the majority of my races were jumps i did not think it would matter but it did. It is important to be able to track the race from the start and for alot of the time i was unable to do this, i know from my Favourites Phenomeno n review that Saturdays can be really awkward and that  is why the author of that one recommends no Saturday betting, i think i will be seeking guidance from BF ATM author on this one.  Anyway some how i got through it and ended in profit but certainly the old head was spinning by the end of the session.

12 Selections – 10 winning Bets = P/L of +2.02 points

Running Bank after Day 20 = 131.20 points ( +31.20 points)


Sgt Dave

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