
Place Bet Pro – 7 and 8 March 2012

Hi Bloggers,

Just a reminder that system involves place betting, using Betfair odds to make selections on UK racing (though I’m sure you could use it anywhere, the system is reasonably simple). I am using stakes of $100 per bet for the purposes of this trial.

7 March

Six qualifiers, 2 winners, a second, a third and 2 unplaced so down on the day.

Start Balance: $1000

Day’s P/L: -$37.55

Running Balance: $2028.50

8 March

Two qualifiers today for a winner and a second.

Start Balance: $1000

Day’s P/L: $78.85

Running Balance: $2107.35


Sgt Steve reviewing Place Bet Pro

[Click here to see Place Bet Pro]