Point2Lay – Day 15

29th september 2011

Hi Bloggers,

Point2Lay on day 15.

Initial bank – 1000 points and 100 point bet.

Running bank after day 14 = 597.18 points – profit 25.68 points

29th Sep Wolv 2.00 Amoure Medici 4.66 100.00 LOSS -100.00 497.18
29th Sep Wolv 4.00 Mount Hollow 4.82 100.00 WIN 24.87 522.04
29th Sep Kemp 7.40 Maloof 3.35 100.00 WIN 40.43 562.47

Running bank after day 15 = 562.47 points – loss 34.71 points

Running bank = 562.47 points – loss 437.53 points


[Click here to see Point2lay]