UK Horseracing TV Day 33

Hi Bloggers,

Well another day, another few $$$ trading profit from the service.

Today’s maximum trading profit was  + 27.92 Pts

Giving us an overall flat stake profit of  + 648.93 Pts after 25 days!

After the relative ‘grind’ of the last few days, today was simplicity itself for my

personal trading ‘journey’.   The very first race of the day provided a winner at a

BSP of  22.31! I had a very nice trade there myself backing at 21.00 and laying

at 5.30. The very next race provided another successful trade from 12.14 down to

2.14 (almost the maximum trading price). That got me to + 5.10 Pts and definitely

time to stop for the day.

So my running total is now up to  + 48.02 Pts after 16 days!

I hope you guys with the ‘Bots’ had a good day also!!

Till tomorrow,

all the best, Tommy.                  (Click here to see UK Horseracing TV…)