Win and Place Investment Plan – Day 2

19th November Day 2

Today there were three selections on the phone line. Unfortunately the telephone message said something about discretionary selections (as per the discretion I’ve talked about in Rule 6). I listened several times to the recorded message, but couldn’t tell if one  or two of the selections were discretionary. So I’ve put all three selections into the system. I’m working with to get access to the forum, so that I can see the selections online and I’m also trying to clarify if the published previous results included any discretionary selections.

I’ll report back in due course and adjust the results if necessary.

Unfortunately one selection lost and another was only second. At such short odds, a losing bet hits the balance badly, but if the previous success rate is maintained then the bank should recover. (* = may be a “discretionary” bet due to field size being outside recommended field size)

Win Place

Odds Odds Result

19/11/10 12:45 *Renard Dirlande 2.18 1.24 L

13:50 *Watamu Bay 1.22 1.09 1

18:15 Opus Dei 1.52 1.16 2

Level Stakes
Plan 1
Plan 2

Plan 3

Win Place Win Only Win
Win Place
Bal. Bal. Stake Bal. Stake Bal. Stake Bal. Stake Stake Bal.
100.46 100.21

99.46 99.21 1.00 31.46 1.00 11.46 1.00 5.21 2.00 3.00 38.54
99.67 99.30 2.00 31.88 1.00 11.67 1.00 5.30 2.00 3.00 39.21
98.67 99.45 1.00 30.88 1.00 10.67 1.00 5.45 2.00 3.00 37.67

Sgt Rich

[Click Here to see the sales page for the Win and Place Investment Plan …]

19/11/10 12:45 *Renard Dirlande 2.18 1.24 L

13:50 *Watamu Bay 1.22 1.09 1

18:15 Opus Dei 1.52 1.16 2